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  • Ojas Shah

Maximize the Value Your Organization Delivers

Innovation does not equal value. You can sharpen your focus on what value means to your customers and streamline how you deliver it.

No matter the industry an organization operates in today, there’s significant competition fighting for a larger share of a common pool of customers. Well-established giants are being shaken up by quickly growing start-ups, and they in turn are facing stiff competition from others.

Innovation is one of the keys to an organization's continued success, bringing in differentiators that help draw in more customers, or maintain a loyal customer base. However, in many cases, organizations plateau or stall, sometimes facing a steady decline, losing customers despite huge investments in innovation, creating new features, offering new services and more.

This is where it’s important to understand that innovation does not equal value. The value a feature, a product or a service delivers is ultimately decided by its customer, and that in turn decides its success.

Substantial amounts of research have gone into value over the years. Let’s take a look at the B2C value pyramid below.

B2C Value Pyramid from Coucal Consulting blog

These elements highlight that your customers look for more than just new features or services. Value is an easily missed factor in innovation that needs to be brought to the forefront.

It’s important that your organization focuses on value, delivers often and validates with customers that your product or service truly delivers value, meeting real needs as opposed to your assumptions of what those needs are.

Coucal can help your organization define what value means to your customers through focused workshops that bring together cutting-edge techniques like Design Thinking, Business Modelling, Product Validation and more.

Leaders, Product Managers/Owners and teams can leverage customized workshops that zoom-in or zoom-out to let all levels in your organization focus on customer value.

At Coucal, our approach to delivering value is helping our customers achieve outcomes over outputs. Along with the outcomes from the workshops, we provide a toolbox of practices and techniques that ensure you and your organization can continue working towards successfully delivering value to your customers.

Connect with our experts to set up a workshop that suits your needs.


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