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  • Yashoda Dave

Storytelling - A human-centered approach to sharing your Vision

Over the years "Vision" and "North Star" have become buzzwords, used rather commonly by those who want to put on a show of being in the game, or doing great things. Ideally, neither should be reduced to a buzzword used for showboating and grandstanding.

Vision is essential, particularly in current times, for organizations to make leaps forward and achieve valuable outcomes.

So, what exactly is "Vision?" One definition of Vision (from Oxford Languages) is, "the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom." Translating this into business lingo, Vision is "a statement that clarifies organizations’ purpose, guides its employees towards a direction and provides inspiration."

Having a strong Vision and being able to follow through on executing it is what it takes to win the game and achieve what an organization intends to achieve.

The importance of having a strong Vision hopefully comes through based on this. However, there are a few attributes that should be kept in mind. It has to:

  • Be compelling

  • Convey a story

  • Make your purpose visible

In addition, there needs to be some thought given to, “What does it mean to achieve this?”

There are several techniques and apps, and even consulting firms that support in the creation of a Vision statement. A simple, effective, but under-utilized technique is "Storytelling."

Vision with and without storytelling Coucal Training Coucal Services Coucal Consulting

Source:, Shelly Quance

What makes Storytelling effective is the fact that humans have a natural ability to connect and create stories. Stories allow us to find meanings. Hence, it’s very powerful to use stories to talk about your organization’s Vision.

Storytelling to convey vision powerfully. Coucal Connections Coucal Training Coucal Services Coucal Consulting

Source:, Saransh Sharma

A simple framework to use Storytelling is by following these steps:

  1. Set your context

  2. Present the challenge and circumstances

  3. Figure out a solution or idea that will change the situation

  4. Work out the “How”

Another inspiration is a Storytelling framework that is based on lessons from Hollywood:

Storytelling Framework from Hollywood Coucal Framework Coucal Training Coucal Services Coucal Consulting

Source:, Pieter Kemps

While these techniques are intuitive and easy to follow, an outside-in perspective is important to avoid blind spots.

As a Leader, a team or an organization, Coucal can support you with an expert selection of practices and techniques that will help you formulate a powerful Vision, as well as a strategy to bring it to life.


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